Labor & Economic News Blog
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Why fast food, and why now? Fight For 15 Confidential
Fight For 15 Confidential - In These Times
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science - NSF
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science - NSF
Inequality’s Roots: Beyond Technology
Inequality’s Roots: Beyond Technology
In Middle of Mexico, a Middle Class Rises
In Middle of Mexico, a Middle Class Rises
Friday, November 15, 2013
California's jobless-benefit fund is buried in $10-billion debt
California's jobless-benefit fund is buried in $10-billion debtThe state fund that pays jobless benefits owes a debt to the federal government that is so vast it won't be repaid for at least a decade.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Dwindling Middle Class Has Repercussions For Small Towns
Dwindling Middle Class Has Repercussions For Small Towns
Machinist Contract Vote Could Lock-In Work On Boeing's 777
Machinist Contract Vote Could Lock-In Work On Boeing's 777Even though it's not a negotiating period, Boeing told the union that members have to vote Wednesday on an eight-year contract extension that includes higher health insurance costs and a pension freeze. Boeing says if they don't pass it, the company may build the next version of its wide-body 777 jet elsewhere.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Lack of enrollment workers hampers insurance exchange sign-ups
Lack of enrollment workers hampers insurance exchange sign-upsDelays in training enrollment counselors and insurance agents are damping health policy sales. Covered California says it's moving swiftly to address shortcomings.
Seattle suburb to vote on $15 minimum wage for airport, hotel workers